Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 3, 10/29/08

Glasses of "lemonade" consumed: 9

Length of time to drink quart of saltwater: 3 minutes

Length of time between completion of salt water consumption and 1st trip to the bathroom: 3 minutes

Number of bowel movements: 3

Number of random objects expelled during said bowel movements: still nothing

Weight lost since previous day: 1.4

Total weight lost: 5 lbs.

Relatively easy day. I'm becoming a pro at chugging saltwater. I won't be able to turn pro until I stop gagging though. 3 minutes is a good time though, both going in and going out.

There was a little more "substance" in the movements today. More than yesterday, but that's not saying much. There were testimonials in the book where people said they'd gone a few days with nothing and then stuff magically appeared. I guess that some crap is better at hiding than others. That, or it takes a while to start breaking down all of the stuff that's built up inside your intestines.

I was craving food a little tonight but that probably had something to do with the fact that Helen was watching Top Chef on the food network. A piece of steak was sounding really good then.

I'm considering adding a new stat to the list, number of times that I pee. Man, I have to average at least once an hour that I'm awake at a minimum. Sometimes I'm even waking up in the night to go, which I never do. And these aren't "oh, I should probably go pee" pees. These are "I gotta go right now" pees. So far I haven't wet my pants, but with 7 days left anything is possible.

I should also clarify one thing about the timing of my "toxin eliminations"; almost all of them occur within the first hour or two of me being awake. The first one occurs pretty soon after I finish the saltwater flush and the second one occurs shortly after that. I sit around all afternoon and evening with no pooping to do. So sad.

1 comment:

Kevin Wilder said...

a piece of steak sounds good to me, and i've already had two meals.

(sorry to arouse your appetite again. just felt like i had to arouse something.)