Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I have decided to take part in the Master Cleanse. It is a system designed to cleanse the body of toxins that build up in one's intestines, colon, kidney, liver, etc.... Other benefits include weight loss, increased energy, and a "heightened sense of self."

Here's the gist of it:
6- 12 times daily drink a concoction consisting of
8 oz. water
2 tbsp. fresh squeezed organic lemon juice
2 tbsp. grade b organic maple syrup
1/10 tsp. or more cayenne pepper

Before you go to bed drink a cup of senna tea, an herbal laxative

When you wake up in the morning drink 1 qt. (32 oz.) of water mixed with 2 tsp. of non-iodized sea salt

Drink lots of water

Have multiple bowel movements, as they rid your body of all of the toxins

Sounds like fun, huh? There is no consumption of food or any other liquids besides what is listed about. The cleanse is supposed to last for 10 days. The longest I've ever gone without eating has been 3 days. I think that 10 is more. Once the cleanse is over you must "ease" your way back in to food. The first few day or so after is reserved for fruit juices. If your stomach can handle juice, you can move on to vegetable broth. Once your stomach can handle the broth you may move on to small quantities of raw fruits and vegetables. All in all, I'm looking at about 14 days of not eating solid food.

I had never heard of the master cleanse until a few weeks ago when a friend mentioned it to me. As I prepared for the cleanse and mentioned it to others, I was amazed at how many people had heard of it. As I was going through the checkout line at the grocery store with my 40+ lemons, 9 bottles of maple syrup, cayenne pepper, salt, and senna tea the cashier said, "I know what you're doing. Good luck, you'll need it." Damn her and her condescending ways.

Despite its benefits, I'm not really doing the cleanse for any of them. Yeah, fewer toxins and pounds and more energy will be great, but the cleanse will be more of a personal challenge than anything else. I just want to see if I can do it. I wish I were dedicating it to something noble, like the honor of starving people worldwide, but that was not my original intent so I'm not going to say that's my reason. I'm also not looking to resolve emotional issues from my past like a lot of the nut jobs who say that the cleanse has helped them to accomplish. Hippies are crazy, no doubt.

I started the cleanse on Monday, October 27. This blog will serve as an outlet to record my thoughts, feelings, and other, more personal, information. It won't be pretty, but it will be honest. Enjoy.

1 comment:

G-Metal, Coco, Angel Face and Bunny said...

Seriously, I just crapped my pants reading this blog. If I did a master cleanse, do you think I'd find those Life game peices from back in the day?