Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day 10, 11/05/08

Glasses of "lemonade" consumed: 7

Length of time to drink quart of saltwater: 5 minutes

Length of time between completion of salt water consumption and 1st trip to the bathroom: 17 minutes

Number of bowel movements: 3

Number of random objects expelled during said bowel movements: 0, but I'm convinced there's something in there

Weight lost since previous day: 0.4 lbs

Total weight lost: 9.0 lbs

It's over. Well, the actual cleanse, that is. I've got a few days before I still get back into solid food and then a few more until I'll start eating "regular" meals again. However, the lemonade during the day, saltwater in the morning, and senna laxative tea are no longer in the picture. I could not be happier. I will enjoy no longer waking up at 3:00 AM each day to stomach cramps and a trip to the bathroom.

I will continue to post over the next few days until I'm back to a normal eating routine. At the end of everything I'll sum up my experience with the Master Cleanse.

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