Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day 9, 11/04/08

Glasses of "lemonade" consumed: 7

Length of time to drink quart of saltwater: 9 minutes

Length of time between completion of salt water consumption and 1st trip to the bathroom: 8 minutes

Number of bowel movements: 4

Number of random objects expelled during said bowel movements: :(

Weight lost since previous day: 0.8 lbs

Total weight lost: 8.6 lbs

I was quite surprised to find that my morning movement produced something that resembled solid waste. Because I haven't seen solid crap in some time, I'll just go ahead and call it solid. This doesn't mean that it was your normal solid movement, but at this point anything solid is an amazing feat.

Still no hunger, which is good. It's hard to believe that this is almost over.


mteph said...

i read aloud from the mastercleanseisnotarapper blog tonight to my mother and sister. they laughed and laughed. you were a hit.

its day 9! congrats!

cary said...

Dear Mister Cleanse,

Please see the blog Electric Lion for a shout out and photograph.