Sunday, November 2, 2008

Day 6, 11/01/08

Glasses of "lemonade" consumed: 8

Length of time to drink quart of saltwater: 2 minutes

Length of time between completion of salt water consumption and 1st trip to the bathroom: 3 minutes

Number of bowel movements: 3

Number of random objects expelled during said bowel movements: :(

Weight lost since previous day: 0.2

Total weight lost: 6.2 lbs.

The senna tea is really doing its job now. I have to go to the bathroom as soon as I wake up. However, it wasn't the explosion that I had been expecting/hoping for. Have no fear though, the saltwater flush still hits me too.

My first bathroom visit of the day is starting to have more sustenance to it. It's nothing major, but you I can definitely tell that waste is being removed from my linings. There's still hope that I'll find that random toy car that I never knew I ingested, which is what I'm hoping for.

I'm noticing the smell of food more, but I'm not hungry. I'm also craving a taste other than my lemonade, tea, and saltwater. Maybe I'm starting to see food more as a luxury than a necessity. That's not to say that I'm not going to eat when the cleanse is done, but maybe now I'll appreciate tastes more and take my time as opposed to just eating it and having taste as an afterthought.

My weight loss seems to be plateauing a bit. With four more days to go I'd like to lose at least two more pounds. The more I lose now, the more room I'll have to plateau at my ideal weight once I start eating again.

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